Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Key to Success

Napoleon Bonaparte said " To succeed in any enterprise all you need is character, you don't need talent, see how most talented people fail. the more talented you are, the worse"; you should not rely on your talents.
Perseverance doesn't help either, you can persevere forever without any results..
Talent does not help at all but voice do. The voice is the most direct expression of your character, voice is character. Your voice is your character.
People with characteristic voice succeed in life and can do practically whatever they want.

For example, what makes a politician successful is not the message enclosed in his/her speech, it is the vibration emitted by his/her voice, the voice of a politician is the key to penetrating peoples mind and convince. Conviction is all, to succeed you need to convince. Conviction leads to approval, approval leads to action. Unfortunately to act we need consent from our fellow men..acting without consent leads to trouble or in most of the cases leads to nowhere. This is how a lot of valuable work is accumulated in uselessness. ..
You will not convince anybody if your voice lacks of character.
You grow in society because people gives you the power, people grows you. your talents and skills means nothing. They might embellish your persona but they are not the reason of your success.
People appreciate, reward and correspond only to character.

You can still write well and convince others because of your skilled writing as long as the reader doesn't know your voice, if the reader "finds out" that your voice lacks of character, everything will be over. This is why many business and relationships end suddenly.

I am not talking about singers here, but i am not excluding them either. Your voice is the expression of your character. To succeed in any business all you need is credit. people believe in you when they feel seduced by your voice. If you have character, your voice is a magic tool, your voice mesmerize.
Unless you are selling products that really sell by themselves like drugs or branded stuff for which you don't need any character..
Look around.. the most talented people of the word lacks of character.
Your character is in your voice; character is your voice, just like your eyes are the "windows to your soul" as well as most of the more stupid cliches are true. Your voice is the body of your character

You don't need to think about this, this is a fact. You see this happening every day.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Music

Believe it or not i recorded this track at the music store in Best Buy using a Roland Phantom and a Korg MiniKorg that were sitting together as demo units; the piece was recorded to a Roland Edirol R-9. that i had in my pocket.
Big deal uh..!? Now go and tell your friends...!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Art has not longer a social meaning this days.

Art Making is an empty ceremony; a rehearsal for a play that will never happen;
Art stopped having a social meaning after the death of Basquiat; whatever happened since the day after his dead to our days is what we all know as inertia.
Of course the consequences of the early inertia where provided of equal quality as the ones (works of artists) previous to Basquiat and Basquiat's dead, but it is not quality what counts here since we are talking about social meaning not quality; and i mean "social meaning" as "the importance of being an artist".
I guess Terry Richardson is the last famous WW artist this days, maybe more so than Damien Hirsch. But again, I am not making a statement about fashion here, I am only only making a reference, a reference to the day that social meaning of art and the social meaning of being an artist died; and it died with Basquiat. basquiat was a sophisticated Van Gogh, a suicide-ed by society.

Designers are excluded of this discrimination, designers create functional objects and they profit more or less fast or faster that the lonely soul who's trying to paint or sculpt or compose a useless masterpiece. And even if we do momentarily profit, there's no much more social meaning in it than going to the park to feed the pigeons.
Since success became more and more an accidental event than a reward for your merits
or skills also the quality of the artworks and music declined to the lowest levels and also the disappearance and forgetfulness of famous artists during or since early 90s; when the last famous visual artist was Damien Hirst.
Or do you dare to remember any other famous artist name this days?
Don't even try because there's no any left. Curators and gallerists were and maybe they are trying to be famous or celebrants of themselves promoting artists on line but for some reason the name of the curator or the gallerist/art dealer will shine first.
We also have a fest of art consumers, ex artists, connoisseurs, collectors or wannabes that please themselves in "not getting it". Not getting it is a safe position.
This very peculiar reaction to art of "not getting it" today is mainly an expression of denial to protect their senses from a mental/cultural collapse. ( The Freudian "fantasy of the end of the world"). Because even the charming decadent aesthetics of the post modernism in the early and middle 90s reflected this "if"; while on one hand were a signal of the apocalypse of art as social phenomenon it was also a loose link enjoyable by the snobs and the avantgardists. On the other hand was a hybrid aesthetic itself. also enjoyable by Sunday museums and gallery visitors.
Today's standards put equal values either on the enjoyable "don't get it" as well as the
"smile of understanding" both vacuous fields of celebration of the death of art.
The Music revolution last scream and legacy is definitely most of the soundworks or musics produced by the British Record labels 4AD and em:t ; but of course this besides being mainly a matter of opinion, has not value as a treasure or cultural relic; unless until now; with the exception of a few crazy souls that are trying to make it a treasure at paying over 300 dollars in ebay for certain em:t cds.
Time will tell. . .